失掉机会: miss a chance事业: cause; undertaking失败: be defeated; lose作业失败: operation mode real-time; operation mode, real-time完井作业失败: completion failure学业失败承受力: school failure tolerance学业失败承受力量表: school failure tolerance scale失掉: 1.(原有的不再具有) lose 失掉联系 lose contact with; 失掉民心 lose popular support; 失掉权力 be stripped of power; 失掉信心 lose confidence2.(没有取得; 没有把握住) miss 失掉机会 miss a chance; 失掉战机 fail to grasp a good opportunity to engage the enemy; 他又一次失掉了晋升的机会。 he has missed a chance of promotion again已告失败[必将失败]的事业[运动]。: lost cause成功或失败的机会: the chance of make or break他又一次失掉了晋升的机会: he has missed a chance of promotion again事业前途;职业前途;晋升机会: career prospect失败: 1.(被打败) be defeated; lose (a war, etc. ) 招致失败 bring defeat upon oneself; court defeat; 屡遭失败 suffer defeat after defeat; 遭到了毁灭性的失败 suffer a crushing defeat; 甲队第一局失败了。 team a lost the first game.2.(没有达到预定目的) fail; come to nothing 这项计划失败得很惨。 the plan failed miserably.; 失败恐怖 atephobia; kakorrhaphiophobia; 失败情绪 defeatist sentiments; 失败卫星 [美国] flopnik; 失败效应 underdog effect; 失败主义 defeatism; 失败主义者 defeatist商业失利;安装: laydown有了另外的机会 但我却有失败了: i'd take another chance, take a fall他们惨淡经营的事业也以失败而告终: the cause they contrived so painstakingly also ended in failure机会: chance; opportunity 错过机会 lose a chance; 借此机会 take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to; 放弃机会 throw away one's chance; 抓住机会 seize a chance; 千载难逢的好机会 a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime; 高兴有机会访问贵国 be pleased to have the opportunity of visiting your country; 我没有给他说话的机会。 i didn't give him a chance to say a word. 他没有脱身机会。 he had no chance to get away. 你的机会来了。 here is a chance for you抓住一切机会来开创新的事业: seize every chance to begin a new career事业: 1.(从事的活动) cause; undertaking 革命事业 revolutionary cause; 文化教育事业 cultural and educational undertakings2.(非企业) enterprise; facilities 公用事业 public utilities; 集体福利事业 collective welfare facilities or services; 事业单位 institution; 事业费 operating expenses 事业心 devotion to one's work; dedication; enterprising spirit [initiative]全都失掉: better master one than engage with ten失掉光泽: tarnish失掉联系: lose contact with失掉民心: lose popular support失掉权力: be stripped of power失掉信心: lose confidence